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PHY                     SI                     YOGA

                      PHYsiotherapy    Structural Integration    YOGA & Slings Myofascial Training

​Welcome to my practice Physi.Yoga

A holistic approach...

PHYSI.YOGA, thé practice for Structural Integration, Pain Reprocessing Therapy,
Holistic Physiotherapy, ScarWork Therapy and Therapeutic Yoga.
A mouth full?! Maybe...

In short, my goal is to provide the best possible and personal care for you when you are dealing with chronic (persistent) pain and recurring pain complaints.

Not per se to work on coping mechanisms around the pain, but to actually reduce or eliminate it.
I would like to guide you in regaining comfort, ease and freedom in movement and in being fully present in your body and your life.

I would like to give you tools and control in your hands!


- Christel Hendriks | PHYSI.YOGA


Christel offers the following services with PHYSI.YOGA:

  • Structural Integration (12-series)

  • Pain Reprocessing Therapy

  • Physiotherapy

  • ScarWork Therapy

  • Yoga & Slings Myofascial Training

  • Private Self-Myofascial Release Sessions

Are you unsure what would be best for you regarding treatment and what best suits your request for help?
Read more on my website, and feel free to contact me for a no-obligation telephone conversation.

PHYSI.YOGA at the Van Diemenstraat, The Hague

Appointments for Structural Bodywork, Structural Integration and other sessions at the Van Diemenstraat 202, The Hague you can schedule online. If the given times do not work out for you, please fill in this contact form or email me. If you have any questions or doubts if my approach and methods would suit you or what would suit you best, please feel free to contact me for a phone call.  

Pay attention:
Because I don't answer the phone during treatment, it isn't easy to reach me by phone. This is why I ask you to contact me via this contact form or email so I can call you back. Feel free to indicate a few preferred time blocks for a phone call, so I can try to phone you then. 

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Thank you! Your request has been sent!
I will contact you as soon as possible.

“Alhoewel de naam voor mij niet zo uitnodigend en verhelderend was, blijkt de structural integration 12 series een zeer succesvolle investering geweest! Al na de 1e sessie voelde ik verandering in mijn lichaam en werd en bleef ik me bewuster van mijn houding. Christel begeleidt op een hele fijne, en bevlogen manier. Nu, na de 12 series merk ik dat ik al die tijd geen last meer van mijn onderrug heb gehad, voelen mijn nek en schouders een stuk vrijer en merk ik dat ik meer rechtop zit, sta en loop. Ik ben me ook bewust van het feit dat ik zelf ook een belangrijke bijdrage kan leveren om de positieve veranderingen in stand te houden, in de vorm van bepaalde rek en strek oefeningen. Ook hierin geeft Christel hele waardevolle tips. Er is veel meer bereikt dan heleboel fysiotherapiesessies bij elkaar. Dank je wel, Christel!



PHYSI.YOGA at the Van Diemenstraat

Van Diemenstraat 202, 2518 VH The Hague

Structural Integration, Pain Reprocessing Therapy (also online) Physiotherapy, ScarWork Therapy, Therapeutic approach to Yoga, Self-Myofascial Release

Tuesday:             08:00 - 18:00

Wednesday:      08:00 - 16:30

Thursday:           08:00 - 13:30

Friday:                08:00 - 17:00

Saturday:           09:00 - 14:00 (every other week)

* This location is located in the Zeeheldenkwartier. Paid parking is possible in the area around the Van Diemenstraat. 

PHYSI.YOGA  Yoga classes by Christel

Max Health Club (
(Klatteweg 109, The Hague)

Monday       18.30 - 19.45:      Yin Yoga 

​OncoLife  (

(Sweelinckplein 9, The Hague)

Thursday        14.15 - 15.30:     Gentle Yin Yang Yoga
Thursday        16.00 - 17.15:     
Gentle Yin Yang Yoga

Do you experience chronic pain or recurring pain?

Have you tried a lot, but does the pain persist or return?
Then you have come to the right place at PHYSI.YOGA.

Read on to discover what Pain Reprocessing Therapy or Structural Integration could do for you.



Since 2011 I have been working as a physiotherapist and treat complaints of the postural and locomotor system.

You can think of neck and shoulder complaints, back complaints and ankle and knee complaints.

Your request for help is central to the treatment. We draw up personal treatment goals based on your request for help, the anamnesis and the examination. Examples of goals could be minimizing or eliminating pain during certain activities or movement and getting back to your favourite sport. 

I also use my various specializations in myofascial therapy within my physiotherapy treatments. I often combine this with home-exercises to work together towards the desired treatment goal. Treatment usually consists of both hands-on treatments using manual/myofascial techniques and exercise therapy.

My particular areas of interest within Physiotherapy are:

  • Recurring and chronic pain complaints
    (Pain Reprocessing Therapy)

  • ScarWork Therapy

  • Posture-related complaints

  • Shoulder complaints and, in particular, Frozen Shoulder complaints


Structural Integration of Structural Bodywork is an interactive approach, in which manual therapy is combined with movement and movement education. Compensatory patterns in posture and movement can result from, for example, injury, surgery, trauma, repetitive movement, or expression of emotion. 

Our body adapts to these compensation patterns by sometimes building more or stiffer connective tissue. As a result, certain areas in the body can become less mobile, which can manifest itself in complaints or discomfort in movement. 

Born in Structural Integrationwe smell manual fascia techniques to open these adhesions, regain freedom of movement in the body and find a natural balance and length in the posture of the entire body.


This makes Structural Bodywork or Structural Integration suitable for rehabilitation as well as preventive to prevent complaints in the future.

Possible outcomes include relief from pain and discomfort, improved posture, greater freedom of movement, and improvement in general well-being, both physical and emotional. Clients often report a decrease in pain and that they feel longer, lighter and freer in the body. 


Structural Integration as a treatment is most effective in the form of a series of treatments: the 12 series. Read more about the Anatomy Trains 12 series here.

Closeup of woman showing on her belly dark scar from a cesarean section. Healthcare concep


ScarWork was developed by Sharon Wheeler, an American Structural Integrator. It is a specialized manual (hands-on) treatment, which focuses specifically on scar tissue, fibrosis, adhesions and changes in the health of the tissue, for example as a result of an accident, trauma, surgery and/or radiotherapy.
The manual treatment is a non-invasive and painless treatment of the scar itself and the surroundings of the scar. The main goal of this treatment is not so much focused on the cosmetic and external aspects of the scar, although this can be positively influenced. The treatment focuses in particular on relieving pain and limitations due to the scar, the mobility of the scar and the degree of stiffness and nerve function.  


I used to sell the Yoga Tune Up balls in my online shop, but stopped with this. However, I still happily use these self-massage balls for self-release techniques in my practice, both in physiotherapy treatments and specifically for Self Myofascial Release sessions.
The Yoga Tune Up balls are great self-massage tools that you can use for various self-release techniques and exercises. I have taken several courses in using them, following the Roll Model Method. 

You may be familiar with a simple foot massage under the sole of your foot, with the use of a ball. But did you know that you can work so much more specifically with certain techniques for injuries and mobility restrictions, but also preventively?


It is also wonderfully pure as relaxation and a piece of self-care. I offer Self-Myofascial Release appointments, optionally in combination with Yin Yoga and Slings Myofascial Training.

 Person doing self myofascial release on shin muscles with two therapy balls.jpg


After practising yoga for several years myself and having noticed the therapeutic effect in my own body with a complex injury, I continued to study yoga and its therapeutic use in 2016. I did a 200- and advanced 300-hour teacher training in India, after which I became more and more interested in the myofascial focus and therapeutic effect in Yin Yoga. In 2017 I, therefore, followed another 200-hour Yin training in Bali.
After all this deepening and subsequent experience in yoga's therapeutic use in practice, I started teaching teacher training courses myself. Sharing a passion, is there anything more fun?
From Yin Yoga, I then moved on to study more and specialize in myofascial therapy, both hands-on with Anatomy Trains Structural Integration, as well as in movement with Slings Myofascial Training.


Slings Myofascial Training is a fascia-focussed body-minded movement method. This integral mat-based training can be enhanced and adapted with massage balls or other small, supportive props.
In this class, the focus lies on the health-enhancing qualities of fascia, which contribute to the balance of your posture, movement efficiency, and your vitality. The contrasting movement sequences contain dynamic and rhythmical and soft and melting exercises in all body positions.
The method is based on new findings in fascia research and movement science. Furthermore, Slings implies the Anatomy Trains concept, which portrays the body-wide interconnectedness of muscles and fascia in myofascial slings (short "Slings").
The sense of well-being and freedom after a Slings class is priceless!

About Christel

My name is Christel Hendriks and I have been working as a Physiotherapist since 2011.
Since 2016, I have continued to specialize in yoga and its therapeutic use.
In addition, in recent years I have increasingly delved into and specialized in myofascial therapy, Structural Integration, with Anatomy Trains Structural Integration and Slings Myofascial Training, for which I followed training courses in Australia.

In my practice on Van Diemenstraat in The Hague, I offer Structural Integration and Physiotherapy, Pain Reprocessing Therapy as well as ScarWork Therapy and individual exercise sessions.

Contact me for more information or to make an appointment.


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